Policy Statement
AQ bv / AQ Degassing bv (further referred to as AQ) is a dynamic and fast-growing company that has become an important player as a chemical service provider in the port of Antwerp and beyond. AQ wishes to further deepen its expertise and gain brand awareness in a rapidly evolving market. The clientele is limited, but as the products and services offered are wide, continuous attention must be paid to quality, safety, and the environment in all its aspects.
In order to be successful now and in the future, AQ has implemented a system to not only guarantee its QSE performance but also continuously improve it. In this context, the management has resolutely opted for an integrated management system in accordance with VCA * (safety), ISO 9001 (quality), and ISO 14001 (environment). Besides, the management of AQ is at all times committed to meet all the following requirements:
- From applicable laws and regulations
- Which have been made known by relevant stakeholders
- Which are considered necessary by the organization
The market where we operate is the maritime and chemical sector. The possible risks are mainly in the area of hazardous substances and their respective resistance and compatibility with other materials. In this context, AQ always strives to prevent personal injury for our employees and third parties. Furthermore, our activities may not result in material or environmental damage. The tools we use to maintain are:
- A dynamic managing system where all risks are continuously evaluated and improved till they’re managed.
- A clear system of all procedures and instructions for safe and high-quality performances of all our activities, with respect for nature.
- Experienced and well-trained personnel with the necessary self-safety-awareness.
- The correct/clear information and instructions to our clients and subcontractors.
Also, AQ strives to make the product- and service providing, as qualitative and environmentally friendly as possible. The focus is placed on:
- Striving for optimal customer satisfaction
- Striving for optimum quality of the product and services
- Constantly optimizing internal processes
- Performing periodic checks, internal audits, and assessments to continuously improve business processes
- Reducing waste production
- Preventing (environmental) complaints and incidents
- Reducing harmful air emissions
This QSE policy is translated to our employees and customers and is the showcase of the company. We, therefore, require our employees to endorse this policy and act following its spirit. Moreover, AQ expects them to always behave with due diligence with the necessary involvement. Only in this way is quality growth possible.
This QSE policy will be evaluated within 3 years and updated if necessary.
Kris Verboven
Managing Director